Application For Employment

An image of the North Carolin Real Estate Seal.

  1. The North Carolina Real Estate Commission is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
  2. We appreciate your interest in working with the North Carolina Real Estate Commission. As an equal opportunity employer, our employment practices are in accordance with the laws that prohibit discrimination due to race, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, or national origin. This application form was designed for use by persons applying for various types of positions – professional, technical, clerical, and administrative. Please answer only the questions that apply. All information will be treated confidentially.
  3. Click here to obtain a paper copy of the Employment Application.

Personal Information

I attest that I am*

A citizen of the United States

A non-citizen national of the United States

A lawful permanent resident or alien authorized to work in the United States

Position Details

Education & Training
High School

Employment History

This portion of the application must be completed even if a resume is submitted. Starting with the most recent employer, list full and part-time jobs, summer or volunteer work. Include periods of military service, self-employment, and unemployment. Please leave no unexplained gaps.

Current or most recent employer

Dates of employement*
(If currently employed with this employer please entered today's date)

Employer #2

Dates of employement*
(If currently employed with this employer please entered today's date)

Employer #3

Dates of employement*
(If currently employed with this employer please entered today's date)

Employer #4

Dates of employement*
(If currently employed with this employer please entered today's date)

Employer #5

Dates of employement*
(If currently employed with this employer please entered today's date)

Employer #6

Dates of employement*
(If currently employed with this employer please entered today's date)

*(If you have more employers to add please attach a word or text document in the file upload section near the bottom of this page.)

Document Upload

Please supply any documents such as your resume, references, and examples of your work.
*Accepted File Types: .txt .pdf .docx .doc
*Max file upload size 2MBs total.

Total File Upload Size: 0.000*Mb

*Selected file(s) size exceed upload limitations of 2MBs each

Signature and Certification

I hereby authorize the North Carolina Real Estate Commission, either on its own or by and through an agent, to thoroughly investigate my references, work record, education and other matters related to my suitability for employment, such as criminal convictions, and further authorize my present employer or any former employer or any other party, including any Government or law enforcement agency and any references I have provided, to disclose to the Commission any and all letters, reports and other information related to my work records, without giving me prior notice of such disclosure, except those which would indicate age, race, creed, color, sexual orientation, and/or national origin. In addition, I hereby release the Commission, my former employers, and all other persons, corporations, partnerships and associations from any and all claims, demands or liabilities arising out of or in any way related to such investigation or disclosure. I agree to abide by all rules and regulations of the Commission, and I understand that false statements or consequential omissions of any kind are sufficient grounds for denying employment or for dismissal.

I have read and understand the above statement. This application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

(Type your name)

Date Signed


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This form is not meant to be printed. If you have already completed the form please use the submit button at the bottom to send the form directly to the Commission.

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