Request for Continuing Education Equivalent Credit

An image of the North Carolin Real Estate Seal.

License and Contact Information for Broker Requesting Credit

Application Fee
The appropriate non-refundable fee must be submitted with this request for continuing education credit. Please consult the fee schedule below and select the appropriate option:*

Instructor Request For Credit
[No Fee Required]

Note no activity other than teaching the Commission’s GenUp or BICUP courses shall be considered equivalent to completing such course.


Developing a Commission-Approved Continuing Education Elective Course
[$50 Fee Required]

Attach a document listing the course title, course number, and date of approval*
Note the Commission reserves the right to request additional documentation to support any request.
*Accepted File Types: .txt .pdf .docx .doc
*Max file upload size 5MBs.

Certification and Signature of Licensee

I certify that the information in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any omission, inaccuracy, or failure to make full disclosure constitutes grounds for denial of equivalent real estate continuing education credit.


(Type your name)

You must complete the reCaptcha below before submitting this form*
An image of an exclamation point.

This form is not meant to be printed. If you have already completed the form please use the submit button at the bottom to send the form directly to the Commission.

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